Organic Inulin Powder | 100% Prebiotic Fibre | SLIMITUM

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Organic Inulin Powder, 100% Prebiotic Fibre

What is Slimitum?

Slimitum is a premium quality, high potency, pure and natural prebiotic supplement that promotes digestion and stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria in your gut.

Flatten and de-bloat your tummy naturally with the pure fiber powder made from blue agave cactus..

This 100% natural prebiotic fiber enhances nutrient absorption, eliminates toxins, curbs cravings and makes you look and feel better on the inside and out.

Main Benefits

Decreases appetite, aids weight loss, de-bloats your tummy, promotes regularity, and prevents constipation.

Eating fiber helps you feel full and satisfied. Fiber naturally reduces appetite because it slows the process of digestion; reduces the rate of stomach emptying; and absorbs water to fill up the digestive tract.

Support Your Gut Bacteria. Getting enough prebiotics on a ‘normal’ diet is almost impossible. Fortunately, we have Slimitum organic inulin powder which feeds your beneficial bacteria with the prebiotics they need.

Happy gut, happy you. Slim your Tum with Slimitum!

Product Overview

Simply mix Slimitum inulin with your favourite food or drink to deliver an intense dose of nutrition, de-bloat your belly and provide the soluble fiber crucial for your physical health.

Suitable for the busiest lifestyle, and the most hectic schedule, Slimitum ensures your gut bacteria have the nutrition they need to keep you healthy, happy, and slim.

What is Inulin?

Inulin is a water-soluble dietary fiber that bacteria love to eat! Beneficial bacteria digest the inulin to produce short-chain fatty acids that actively nourish the cells lining your colon. This symbiotic relationship plays a huge role in enhancing your digestive health.

Inulin is not broken down by the enzymes and acids in your own digestive system, it remains intact until it reaches the colon. In the large intestine, beneficial bacteria convert inulin into a gel-like substance (a prebiotic) which helps the bacteria  (probiotics) grow and multiply. The soothing gels also helps you eliminate waste more easily. 

Inulin only feeds the good bacteria, not the pathogens, providing a significant boost to the immune system. Inulin also protects cells lining the gut from free radicals, oxidative stress, and inflammation providing yet another boost for your immune functions.

Product Benefits

What benefits can I expect from taking inulin?

  • Enhances digestion and regularity, improving gut health.
  • Flatter stomach; eliminating bloating and inflammation.
  • Easier weight management, and natural weight loss.
  • Crush cravings and feel naturally fuller for longer.
  • Decreases appetite by providing the nutrition you need.
  • De-bloat your tummy so it feels more comfortable.
  • Reduces water retention and helps you eliminate waste.
  • High in fiber, so it doesn’t add calories to your diet.
  • Increases gut motility and prevents toxic stagnation.
  • Balances blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases like diabetes.
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and bone mineralization.
  • Protects bone calcium to keep bones strong post-menopause.
  • Supports the liver by increasing the rate toxins can leave the body.
  • Naturally balances hormones and reduces metabolite excess.
  • Strengthens the immune system and enhances pathogen recognition.
  • Lowers blood triglycerides, visceral fat, and excess cholesterol.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and protects blood vessels.
  • Improves lipid transport and reduces fat storage in the abdomen.
  • Combats stress by increasing magnesium absorption.
  • Balances mood by enhancing the production of neurotransmitters.
  • Reduces anxiety by increasing dopamine and serotonin production.
  • Proliferates bifidobacteria in the intestines to prevent intestinal infections.
  • Supports the health of your gut bacteria and protects this critical ecosystem!

Product Customers

Who would benefit from Slimitum?

  • People who wants to enhance the health of their gut and boost the immune system.
  • Anyone who wants to de-bloat and flatten their tummy and decrease water retention in the body.
  • Individuals who want to reduce their risk of lifestyle diseases (including diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer)
  • Post-menopausal women who want to balance their hormones naturally and protect bone density.
  • Everyone who wants to undo the impact of modern toxicity, enhance their nutritional status, support their liver, improve their mood and at the same time take charge of their long-term mental and physical health.

Product Value

How is Slimitum inulin different?

  • Organic
  • No preservatives
  • No GMOs
  • No fillers
  • No artificial flavours or colours
  • Gluten-free
  • Sugar-free 
  • Allergen-free
  • Vegan
  • Soy-free
  • Corn-free
  • Paleo-friendly
  • Fish and Shellfish-free
  • Nuts-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Lactose-free
  • Yeast-free
  • Low salt
  • Lab tested
  • Halal
  • Kosher

Our inulin grows without chemicals or pesticides and it is harvested in a ten-year cycle, ensuring the most potent and environmentally sustainable product possible.

Product Use

How do I take Slimitum?

Simply mix the powder into food or drink. It tastes slightly sweet and adds a frothy texture to hot drinks like coffee.

Start with a low dose, 1-2g, then gradually increase the dose to one teaspoon (3g) two or three times per day.

When you add more fiber to your diet your entire gut ecosystem will start transforming from an unhealthy environment to a clean and pristine one – this can take a few weeks, be patient.

Enjoy your 400g of pure, organic Slimitum inulin powder in 135 servings per jar.

How does Slimitum inulin fit with your favourite foods and what can you mix it with?

Add Slimitum organic inulin to your favourite recipes to create a rich and moist texture with a naturally healthy slightly sweet taste. Inulin is used in the food industry as an alternative to sugar, mixed with food or drink inulin adds sweetness (without elevating blood sugar) and thickness making it ideal for baked goods. 

  • Simply add to your glass of water and mix.
  • Add to smoothies and shakes for a deliciously creamy texture.
  • Mix with coffee or tea for a frothy sweet stimulating treat.
  • Bulk up broths or soups with extra texture and taste.
  • Sprinkle over salads to ensure they fill you up.
  • Sweeten fruits or bake up a satisfying treat.
  • Sprinkle over yogurt or granola to add fiber to your breakfast.
  • How will you add inulin into your life?

How does Slimitum work?

Bad bacteria produce toxins that cause inflammation and cravings for unhealthy food.

Good bacteria enhance nutrient absorption, boost mood and improve the immune system.

When you nourish the GOOD bacteria they have a rapid and long term impact on your health. 

Which bacteria are YOU feeding?

When you feed the good bacteria (in your large intestine) with Slimitum’s high-quality inulin they ferment it into short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). 

These special fatty-acids are the preferred fuel for cells lining the gut (called colonocytes). When you re-fuel these specialist cells they have the energy and nutrients needed to restore the holistic-health of your gut.

With Slimitum you can naturally reduce your appetite, and eliminate the bad bacteria cravings that drive poor food choices - did you know that bad bacteria hijack your nervous system to make you ‘pick up and eat’ sugary foods?

Slimitum promotes the growth of healthier gut microflora, thus aiding in optimal intestinal function with improved regularity and reduced constipation.


Why Choose Slimitum

  • We do not use any preservatives, colours or fillers, Slimitum is free from maltodextrin and cornstarch.
  • Our blue agave is naturally robust and, unlike other sources of inulin, doesn’t need fertilisers, pesticides or tilling.
  • The agave is hand-planted and matured for 5-10 years, unlike inulin from chicory or Jerusalem artichoke which are harvested yearly and often grown with pesticides in minerally depleted and heavy metal contaminated soils, or worse grown indoors with chemicals.
  • We are transparent about the source of our Slimitum inulin to ensure you know the source and country of origin.
  • Our agave inulin tastes delicious, it is slightly sweeter than other types of inulin, making it a pleasant addition to your food and drinks.
  • Agave inulin is also much less likely to cause allergic reactions; unlike chicory or Jerusalem artichoke, it is not part of the ragweed family (known to cause intolerance to medications and allergies in 15% of the population).


Always check the label of any inulin product to see if the country of origin is listed. Often inulin products don’t disclose the true source, and simply state the country it was packed in! Chinese inulin is often packed in the EU, UK or US; creating a false sense of quality. Jerusalem artichoke is the primary source of Chinese inulin (there is no Jerusalem artichoke produced in Europe!) but it is often labeled as a European product. Just be aware!

Do we really need Inulin?

Our ancestors consumed about 135g of soluble fiber, in the form of inulin, per day. Nowadays we eat less than 4g per day.

The lack of fiber in our diet is contributing to digestive problems, mood disorders, and cancers. Inulin feeds the bacteria responsible for manufacturing nutrients and neurotransmitters in your gut  - an astonishing 90% of your neurotransmitters are made int eh gut!

Bacteria are a critical part of our digestive process, they do a lot of the work on your behalf. Sadly, many of our modern processed foods, medicines, and lifestyle habits are killing off these essential allies. When the good bacteria lack quality fuel then your gut, and health, will suffer.

So, what’s the solution?

Feed your good bacteria with the nutrition they need!

Why is the gut so important?

Modern science is gradually validating the ancient wisdom surrounding our digestive health. Everything from our mood, hormones, immune system, and blood sugar is impacted by our bacterial biome.

Bacteria in your bowels have the power to transform virtually every aspect of your health. But, unless you specifically look after them, you could be carrying around excess pounds of stagnant putrid waste, and bad bacteria, making you sick, bloated, and inflamed.

Stagnant waste in the bowel produces toxins that prevent nutrients from being effectively absorbed. Soluble fiber, in the form of inulin, is a safe and natural way to cleanse the bowels and re-feed the hard-working good bacteria critical for your health.

Gut health, and beneficial bacteria, are critical for our immunity. Slimitum inulin nourishes your good bacteria and enhances immune health, so you are better equipped to combat disease and invading pathogens.

Slimitum Source, Quality and manufacturing

Slimitum was developed to provide the highest-quality, purest, and most sustainable inulin possible and most innovative milling process, ISO and FSSC22000 Certified. With the utmost simplicity Slimitum inulin has the power to transform your health with just a single ingredient and nothing artificial.

Slimitum’s source is a blue agave cactus harvested in Mexico.

Slimitum is certified organic and produced using strict quality standards and regulations.

Slimitum its third party, lab tested to ensure premium quality every single time.


We are committed to supporting our natural environment and always ensure our policies promote sustainability. The packaging is 100% recyclable and uses medical-grade PET, toxin-free glue, and BPA-free materials. With respect to Mother Earth, all our packaging is completely biodegradable and safe for future generations.

  • Our jars are PET, Bpa free, clinical grade
  • Our filling chips are from corn (100% biodegradable and compostable)
  • Our labels and stickers are produced in Eco friendly plant, without endocrine disruptors
  • Our mailing boxes are eco-friendly, bio-degradable

“As a health and wellness coach, I want to be sure that packages are free from hormone disruptive substances and are environmentally friendly.”

Side effects of inulin:

  • In some cases inulin can cause gas, bloating, abdominal pain, cramps, discomfort and loose stools.
  • These side effects are more severe with high doses of inulin (more than 30 grams).
  • Most symptoms can be avoided by starting with a low dose so your gut has time to adjust.

Seven Reasons Slimitum is so Special!

  1. Source:organic blue-agave cactus, grown slowly, respecting nature, pesticide and fertilizer free.
  2. Simplicity: contains just one single ingredient! No fillers, thickeners, no hidden ingredients and nothing artificial.
  3. Sustainability:10-year harvest cycles protect the natural ecosystem while ensuring maximum nutrition.
  4. Speed: Slimitum powder is easily mixed into food and drinks, so you can feed your gut in a few seconds.
  5. Scrubbing:Blue-agave inulin is naturally branched, enhancing its ability to cleanse toxins from the gut.
  6. Safe:Developed by nutrition experts to support your body with the highest-grade inulin possible.
  7. Sweet: Blue-agave tastes slightly sweet but won’t elevate blood sugar, making it an excellent treat.

Call to Action

Let Slimitum support your healthy lifestyle and detox your body!

De-bloat, slim your tummy and reduce water retention!

Order now to give your bacteria the feast they deserve!

Nourish Your Gut with Slimitum!

Q and A

Probiotics versus Prebiotics

There has been a lot of publicity around the importance of probiotics (the bacteria themselves), but a lack of education about how to feed and ake care of them.

Good bacteria in the gut need to eat specific types of food to grow and multiply (prebiotics).

Slimitum inulin has been developed to actively nourish your good bacteria and provide them with the highest-quality prebiotic nutrition. It’s much more effective to feed the good bacteria, and let them naturally multiply than to try and replace them with probiotic pills.

Supplementation of probiotics without prebiotics wont give the proper results.

Consuming prebiotic inulin will boost your probiotic bacteria naturally!

Can people with diabetes can take Slimitum?

Agave inulin is a preferred sugar substitute for diabetics because it does not cause spikes in blood sugar associated with both artificial sweeteners and natural sugars. Agave inulin is known for its ability to enhance intestinal health and balance blood sugar. Inulin has a very low impact on blood sugar levels thanks to its glycemic index (IG) and is, therefore, a good choice for diabetics.

Can inulin cause flatulence (gas)?

Some types of manufactured inulin can cause digestive symptoms including gas. However, for the majority of people consuming 5g to 10g of natural organic inulin is very well tolerated. We recommend starting with a low dose of just a couple of grams until your body and bacteria adjust to their new food.

Does inulin contain gluten?

No, inulin does not contain gluten. Slimitum is suitable for people with gluten sensitivity or leaky gut. The increased calcium absorption that inulin enables helps rebalance calcium deficiencies common in people with celiac disease.

Does inulin feed candida?

No, inulin supports the good bacteria which keep candida in check. Feeding the trillions of friendly bacteria with organic inulin will naturally prevent candida and pathogenic bacteria from taking over your colon.

Does inulin suppress appetite?

Yes, bacteria feeding on inulin produce acetate, which naturally suppresses appetite. When acetate reaches the brain it signals fullness. This means adding inulin to the diet will help you feel full more quickly. We feel nutritionally satisfied when our bacteria are well fed!

Legal Disclaimer

Do not exceed recommended stated daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking any medications, please consult with your doctor before use.

This product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Storage:Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is missing or damaged.